Chances are that if you've suffered from problem breath for any amount of time your not feeling very good about yourself. After all, who could blame you? It's not enough that you have to put up with a continuous barrage of negative references about your breath, but it's especially hurtful when those comments come from family members and friends. Further, you've probably tried the toothpastes, gargles, mints, and chewing gum, but nothing seems to work. You've masked the symptoms for awhile but the odor keeps returning. As a result, you feel like there's nothing you can do to treat your breath problem. Let's get to work on raising your self esteem back up to where it belongs right now. The truth is that you can go about curing bad breath effectively and inexpensively.
While about 90% of all breath issues originate from inside the mouth other causes might stem from medical or dental conditions. Your best bet would be to make an appointment with your dentist or doctor to be certain. The information in this article is based on bad breath originating in your mouth.
Here's what goes on inside your mouth when you eat. As you chew, bacteria that resides in your mouth breaks down the proteins and sugars from the food. As a by-product, certain volatile sulfuric compounds are created that cause the smell in your mouth. This is the real source of your mouth odor. For people such as yourself, bacteria levels are higher than usual causing chronic bad breath for you and a dive in your self worth.
Now close your eyes for a moment and imagine you're having a face to face conversation with a loved one, friend, or associate because your breath is fresh and clean, and you feel great about yourself. Now use the guidelines outlined in part 2 and make it happen.