Imagine what it would be like if you could go out on a date without ever having to worry about how your breath smells. How good is that to feel because you discovered a way of curing bad breath effectively, easily and inexpensively ?
You probably already know that over the counter remedies such as certain toothpastes, gargles, mints, and chewing gum simply do not work. Most merely mask the smell of your mouth while others actually intensify your bad breath.
Based on that, you'll need to follow these 3 proven steps to curing bad breath so you can enter the dating arena with confidence:
1. Proper oral hygiene - The keyword here is proper. Since your mouth is the source of your breath problems, it only stands to reason that you need to carefully clean and maintain your teeth, tongue, gums, and sides of your mouth. But here's the rub. Unlike the majority of people with breath problems, you need to be using effective procedures and ingredients. Brushing with baking soda is an example but there are many others.
2. Use home made remedies - Ready for some great news ? Home made remedies used in curing bad breath are inexpensive and easy to make. Here's an example. Simply start by drinking more water to keep your mouth hydrated. Dry mouth is fertile ground for bacteria growth.
3. Diet modification - You can start by cutting down on the onion and garlic. However, there are more foods that you'll need to cut down on that you might not have ever considered.
So picture in your mind the perfect date. Now follow these steps and and make it happen.