Think back to a time when you were able to interact with anyone and not worry about your bad breath. If you had a hard time remembering , you're not alone. Approximately 25 percent of all Americans have bad breath.
Keep in mind that companies spend the big bucks trying to convince you that curing bad breath can be a complicated
and expensive process. Apparently, they've been quite successful too. Surveys indicate that Americans with breath issues spend approximately 10 billion dollars a year on everything from mints to toothpastes to an assortment of products sold over the counter and on the internet. Think about how much money you spent on curing bad breath over the past year.
Now, picture in your mind what it would be like for you to have clean and fresh breath permanently at a fraction of what you've been spending.
Learn and remember the following 5 myths, also know as the truth about curing bad breath , and that picture in your mind will become a reality:
1. You need to spend a lot of money to fight bad breath - Some commercial products do cure problem breath but they cost money and you need to use them over and over again. Problem breath comes from bacteria that live on and under your tongue's surface. Most over the counter remedies contain ingredients that you can put together at home.
2 Bad breath can only be masked, not treated - Covering up your problem breath with mouthwashes or mints can actually create more problems because the ingredients can cause bacteria to grow in your mouth. These bacteria must be killed to stop odorous breath and this can be done.
3. Bad breath starts in the stomach - Some companies use to produce pills purported to stop problem breath in your stomach. Problem breath starts in the mouth.
4. You only have to stop bad breath once - In order to fight odorous breath you must change your oral hygiene habits. That means you need to use the right products that kill the bacteria inside your mouth. Furthermore these products must be used repeatedly or the bacteria will return.
5. Bad breath is caused by poor oral hygiene habits - Not necessarily. In order to fight your breath problem you need to correctly use the right products to kill the bacteria in your mouth.