For many people who suffer from breath problems the stigma is so debilitating they would rather shut themselves off from the rest of the world than bare the psychological consequences of talking face to face with anyone because of their problem breath. If you are one of these individuals, then you need to read this article word for word. There is good news. Curing bad breath can be done inexpensively and still be fast and effective.
So, what is the first step to curing bad breath? The answer is to focus on your tongue. Yes, that's right, your tongue. Now keep in mind that you'll also need to maintain a proper oral hygiene regimen with your teeth, gums, and the sides of your mouth. But since your tongue is the source of most breath problems, this is where you need to begin.
Briefly, let's examine what happens inside your mouth when you eat. Approximately 90% of problem breath is caused by anaerobic bacteria. This bacteria is somewhat intriguing because it helps to break down the proteins and sugars in your mouth, yet it also creates volatile sulfuric compounds that smell awful and are the real cause of your breath problem. These compounds tend to take up residence in the back of your tongue both on top and just beneath the surface where it is dark, warm, and at times, dry. Using a toothbrush to clean your tongue will simply spread the bacteria around. That's when a tongue scraper comes in handy.
A tongue scraper is an oral hygiene tool designed to clean the bacteria that has built up on your tongue along with any food residue, fungi, and dead cells.
Make sure you follow these 5 steps to get the most effective use out of your tongue scraper for curing bad breath:
1. Brush your teeth thoroughly including the area behind your teeth to reduce the chance of bacteria spreading from teeth to tongue.
2. Choose your tongue scraper based on the size of your tongue and mouth.
3. Reach as far back as possible into your mouth then gently but firmly scrape from back to front.
4. Make sure you rinse off your tongue scraper thoroughly. Use the tongue scraper at least twice a day.
5. Rinse out your mouth with some warm water and baking soda. Baking soda is excellent for neutralizing any bacterial residue.
Now, visualize yourself having a conversation with someone face to face without worrying about your breath because you were able to take that first step. Please remember that this was your first step in a series of steps that you are going to have to take in order to have clean and fresh breath for life.